While we don't filter applications just because they have a single founder, it does make things more difficult for the selection process. The question we ask is, and for your sake as well: do you have all the skills your company needs to succeed?

We look for great, balanced teams who have a full range of skills. We strongly advise you to seek co-founders who balance your skillset. For example, if you're a strong developer, you might consider adding someone with business and/or marketing experience. If you're a great business evangelist with no developer, it's very unlikely we'll accept you into the program, so go find a rock star developer to join you! We hope you find your team and tribe, as the startup journey can be quite the challenge.

Organised By
FIKRA ACE is the enhanced, three-year initiative following the launch of SC’s inaugural Islamic fintech accelerator programme – FIKRA, in May 2021. For more information on FIKRA ACE, visit https://www.sc.com.my/fikra-ace
Copyright © SC. All Rights Reserved. This Accelerator is in Partnership with NEXEA